Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

A holistic approach to managing RA with Ayurveda

What is RA?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is correlated with Aamavata Ayurveda.

RA is basically an autoimmune chronic inflammatory disorder that mainly affects the symmetrical metacarpophalangeal joint and more than two to three proximal interphalangeal small joints of the body.

RA is a very painful disease usually causing tender swelling and inflammation in joints, which worsen in the morning and remain for more than one hour. Chronic inflammation, granuloma formation, and joint destruction can be seen.

Fatigue, fever, weight loss, irritation, and depression are also the most common non-articular symptoms

A satisfactory treatment is available in Ayurvedic medicine for this disorder.

CAF drug has been proved useful for these manifestations.

The case report is a classic case of RA, which was treated for a month under the name of Aamavatta with CAF drugs.

The patient was on modern medicine and efficaciously exchanged to Ayurvedic medicine.

Successful case in our clinic

RA Case Report

A 45-year-old male patient from Ballari visited our clinic, CAC Out Patient Department, on 2nd March 2021 with complaints of multiple joint pain with tenderness, redness, and warmth in symmetrical swelling of the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints.

Hand of the patient before treatment

These joints were inflamed and tender on pressure and had stress pain on passive movement. The patient was also suffering from joint stiffness, especially early in the morning for more than 30 minutes, that gradually decreased during the daytime.

He was also suffering from fever sometimes and was in a state of mild depression when he was checked in the OPD due to severe pain. The patient had suffered from the problem for the last 3 years, and his condition became vaster over the period of time.

After history-taking, we came to know he had severe pain in all small joints of the body, especially in metacarpophalangeal, metatarsophalangeal, and proximal interphalangeal joints.

Treatment Plan

Osteoflex Capsule (three times a day) after food
Neuroxan-3 Tablet (twice a day) after food
Hepalive Capsule (twice a day) before food
D Tox Tablet (once a day) at 9pm after food


When the patient consulted in the OPD on that day, he was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis as his RA factor, uric acid, and ESR levels were elevated.

Therefore, medication was started in March 2021, which included D Tox tablet capsule, Osteoflex capsule, Hepalive capsule, and Neuroxan-3 tablet.


Osteoflex capsules are mainly indicated in Amavatha, which deals with Vata disorder. Pain is a classical symptom of RA which is due to Vata, so Osteoflex is beneficial in this case.

Hepaliv is used to treat digestive disorders and helps to decrease Ama, which is said to be the cause of Amavata. D Tox is a remarkable supplement that removes toxins from the body. Neuroxan-3 is useful in neurological disorders.

Hand of the patient during treatment

Yoga, pranayama, and diet

Yoga, pranayama, and diet are important components of holistic healthcare. Yoga and pranayama help to strengthen the body, improve flexibility, reduce stress, and promote overall wellbeing.

A healthy diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is also essential for maintaining good health.

These practices can be especially beneficial for those with chronic health conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, as they can help to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

Final result


This case report highlights the successful treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis solely with Ayurvedic medicine, allowing for a gradual withdrawal from conventional allopathic drugs.

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